Ó Briain comes from the personal name Brian, and denotes a descendant of Brian Boru, King of Ireland in the 11th Century. Brian Boru was a member of the Uí Toirdealbhaigh sept, who were...
O'Connell Clan Aran Throw  The O'Connell Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein O'Connell heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the...
Ó Conaill, ‘descendant of Conall’, comes from the personal name Conall, which most likely is derived from “Con”, meaning ‘hound’, and “gal”,...
O'Connor Clan Aran Throw The O'Connor Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein O'Connor heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the...
The O’ Connor clan has left a lasting influence on Irish history, going all the way back to the second century. The name is derived from a tenth century King of Connacht, Conchobhair, meaning...
O'Donnell Clan Aran Throw  The O'Donnell Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein O'Donnell heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the O'Donnell name for...
Ó Domhnaill comes from the personal name Domhnall meaning ‘world-mighty’. The name is most strongly connected with Co. Donegal in the north-west of Ireland, although there were...
O'Donoghue Clan Aran Throw The O'Donoghue Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein O'Donoghue heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the...
This name is one of the most common and one of the most important names in Ireland. Originally there were many distinct septs of the name in Counties Cork and Kerry – where Ross Castle was...
O'Donovan Clan Aran Throw  The O'Donovan Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein O'Donovan heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the O'Donovan name for...
The Donovans are descended from the sept of Ó Donnabháin who were from County Limerick in the south west of Ireland. The name comes from the Gaelic Ó Donndubháin meaning...
O'Driscoll Clan Aran Throw  The O'Driscoll Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein O'Driscoll heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the...
The surname O’ Driscoll comes from the Irish O hEidirisceoil, from eidirisceoil meaning ‘go between’ or ‘bearer of news’ Few Irish names have been so continuously...
O'Dwyer Clan Aran Throw  The O'Dwyer Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein O'Dwyer heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the...
O'Flaherty Clan Aran Throw The O'Flaherty Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein O'Flaherty heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the...
O'Grady Clan Aran Throw  The O'Grady Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein O'Grady heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the...