This name means illustrious, and originated in County Clare, but also had very strong associations with County Limerick. Nowadays the name is also found in abundance in Counties, Mayo and Roscommon...
O'Hara Clan Aran Throw  The O'Hara Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein O'Hara heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the...
The name O’ Hara is a phonetic pronunciation of the Irish name Ó hEaghra. O’ Hara’s today are chiefly found in Counties Sligo and Letrim. The actress Maureen O’ Hara...
O'Keeffe Clan Aran Throw The O'Keeffe Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein O'Keeffe heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the...
Ó Caoimh comes from the word “caomh” which means ‘gentle’ or ‘kind’. The family is descended from Art Ó Caom, who himself was descended from the King...
O'Leary Clan Aran Throw  The O'Leary Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein O'Leary heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the...
This has always been essentially a County Cork name. They are most commonly found in Inchigeela in West Cork. It is still a very popular name being no 64 in the most popular 100 Irish names. The...
O'Malley Clan Aran Throw  The O'Malley Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein O'Malley heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the...
The name O’ Malley is one of the few names from which the prefix O has not been dropped. It is not a very numerous name but is very well known. It has always been almost exclusively associated...
O'Meara Clan Aran Throw  The O'Meara Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein O'Meara heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the...
The name O’ Meara has always been associated with County Tipperary. Records show that over 60 years ago less than one third of the people of the name used the prefix O, today it is rare to find...
Ó Néill comes from the personal name Niall, which possibly means ‘passionate’ or ‘vehement’. The O’ Neills were the leading family of the Cineál...
O'Reilly Clan Aran Throw - Reviews The O'Reilly Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein O'Reilly heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families...
The name O’ Reilly, and its variations, is extremely common throughout Ireland. The clan is descended from the Ó Raghailligh of Breffny, which comprises the modern areas of counties...
O'Riordan Clan Aran Throw  The O'Riordan Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein O'Riordan heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the...
Ó Ríordáin comes from the Gaelic “riogh”, meaning ‘royal’, and “bardán”, meaning poet. The clan originated in the areas of the modern...