Smith Clan Aran Throw The Smith Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein Smith heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the Smith name for generations...
This surname is famous for being ordinary. It is the fifth most common name in Ireland. The name in Irish is Mac gabhainn meaning ‘son of the smith’. The name is most deeply rooted in...
Sweeney Clan Aran Throw  The Sweeney Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein Sweeney heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the...
Mac Suibhne comes from the Gaelic word “suibhne” meaning ‘pleasant’, and Sweeney is the Anglicisation of this name. The original Suibhne from whom Sweeneys claim descent was a...
Twomey Clan Aran Throw The Twomey Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein Twomey heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the Twomey name for...
The Ó Tuama sept was located in Co. Cork in the southern province of Munster. Twomey, and its variations, are the Anglicisation of the Gaelic Ó Tuama. The name is common in Ireland...
Walsh Clan Aran Throw - Reviews The Walsh Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein Walsh heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the Walsh name...
The Gaelic name Breathnach means ‘British’ or ‘Welsh’, and the name Walsh is a semi-translation of this meaning. The name arrived in Ireland with the Anglo-Norman invasion at...
Ward Clan Aran Throw  The Ward Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein Ward heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the Ward name for...
Wards in Ireland can be of English or Gaelic origin. The English version of the name alludes to the occupation of ‘weard’ or guardsman, and was brought here by English settlers. In Gaelic...
Whelan Clan Aran Throw  The Whelan Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein Whelan heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the...
Ó Faoláin comes from the Gaelic word “faol” meaning ‘wolf’. The clan came originally from the ancient kingdom of Decies, part of the modern Co. Waterford, and...
White Clan Aran Throw  The White Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein White heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the White name...
This name originates in England. However in Ireland the name White was used locally for many Irish people who had the elements ‘ban’ –white or ‘fionn’ – fair. The...