Lynch Clan Aran Throw  The Lynch Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein Lynch heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the Lynch name for...
Linch, Linchey, Lynchehan, Lynchy, O’ Lynch, O’ Lynche, O’ Lynchy, de Lynch, Ó Loingsigh.     Lynch as it exists today in...
Mac Aodh, Mac Gee, Mac Kee, Mc Gee, Mc Kee. Magee Clan Aran Throw  The Magee Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein Magee heritage proudly...
Mac Aodh, Mac Gee, Mac Kee, Mc Gee, Mc Kee.   Mac Aodh means ‘son of Aodh’, a popular personal name meaning ‘fire’. The name can be either of...
Maguire Clan Aran Throw  The Maguire Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein Maguire heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by families of the...
Mac Guire, Mag Uidhir, Maguier, Maguire, McGuire, McGwire.   Maguire is the Anglicisation of the Gaelic Mag Uidhir, which means ‘son of the brown-haired...
Meacher, Meagher, O’ Meagher, Ó Meachair. Maher Clan Aran Throw  The Maher Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein Maher heritage...
Mahoney, Mahony, O’ Mahoney, O’ Mahony, Ó Mahúna.  Mahony Clan Aran Throw  The Mahony Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift...
Mahoney, Mahony, O’ Mahoney, O’ Mahony, Ó Mahúna.     The Mahony name is derived from the Gaelic Ó Mathghamhna, from...
Mallon, Ó Maoileoin. Malone Clan Aran Throw The Malone Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein Malone heritage proudly resides & will be cherished by...
Mallon, Ó Maoileoin.   Malone is the Anglicisation of the Gaelic Ó Maoileoin, from ‘Maol’ meaning ‘bald’, in reference to Irish monks, and the...
Mallon, Ó Maoileoin. Maloney Clan Aran Throw  The Maloney Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein Maloney heritage proudly resides & will be...
Gilmartin, Kilmartin, Martin, Martyn, Ó Martain. Martin Clan Aran Throw  The Martin Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home wherein...
Martin is an extremely common name throughout Ireland, and may be of English, Scottish or Gaelic origin. The Gaelic clan name comes from “Mac Giolla Mhártain”, which means...
Mac Carthy, Mac Cárthaigh, Mc Arthy, Mc Carthy, Mc Cartie, Mc Carty. Mc Carthy Clan Aran Throw The Mc Carthy Clan Aran Throw is a precious gift for any home...
Mac Carthy, Mac Cárthaigh, Mc Arthy, Mc Carthy, Mc Cartie, Mc Carty.   The name Mc Carthy comes from the Gaelic Mac Cárthaigh from the word...