Mac Guire, Mag Uidhir, Maguier, Maguire, McGuire, McGwire.   Maguire is the Anglicisation of the Gaelic Mag Uidhir, which means ‘son of the brown-haired one’. The sept originated in County Fermanagh in the...
Mahoney, Mahony, O’ Mahoney, O’ Mahony, Ó Mahúna.     The Mahony name is derived from the Gaelic Ó Mathghamhna, from “Mathghamhan” meaning ‘bear’. The surname...
Mallon, Ó Maoileoin.   Malone is the Anglicisation of the Gaelic Ó Maoileoin, from ‘Maol’ meaning ‘bald’, in reference to Irish monks, and the personal name Eoin, together giving the meaning of ‘a...
Martin is an extremely common name throughout Ireland, and may be of English, Scottish or Gaelic origin. The Gaelic clan name comes from “Mac Giolla Mhártain”, which means ‘Devotee of Saint Martin’, similarly the Scots...
Mac Carthy, Mac Cárthaigh, Mc Arthy, Mc Carthy, Mc Cartie, Mc Carty.   The name Mc Carthy comes from the Gaelic Mac Cárthaigh from the word “Cárthach” meaning loving. The original bearer of...
Kermode, Mac Dermot, Mac Dermott, Mac Diarmada, Mc Dermot.     Mac Diarmada comes from the personal name “Diarmuid”. The family is descended from Maolruanaidh Mór, brother of the King of Connacht. Their...
Mac Domhnaill, Mac Donald.   The Mc Donalds are descended from the Scottish Clan of the same name. Mac Domhnaill comes from the personal name “Domhnall” which means ‘world mighty’, but in this case the Donald in...
Mac Domhnaill comes from the personal name Domhnall, made up of two words meaning ‘world’ and ‘strong’. It is very common in the northern province of Ulster, and also in the area which was the Kingdom of Thomond around counties...
Mac Grath, Mac Raith, MacGraw, Magra, Magraith, Magrath, Magraw, Mc Grath.   Mac Raith comes from the Gaelic word “raith”, which means ‘ grace’ or ‘prosperity’. There were two...
Mac Cionnaith, Mac Kenna.   Mac Cionnaith means son of Cionnaith, a personal name. The clan originated in Co. Meath in the east of the country, and subsequently moved northward to Truagh, an area on the border of the modern counties of Tyrone...
Mac Lochlainn, Mc Gloughlin, Mc Laughlane, Mc Laughlin, Mc Lochlin, Mc Loughlin.   This name is derived from the Irish and the Scottish Mac Lochlainn, from the personal name Loch meaning lake and Lann meaning...
Mac Mathghamhna, Mac Mathúna, Mahon, Mc Machon, Mc Mann.   The English Mc Mahon comes from the Gaelic Mac Mathghamha, from “mathghamquain” meaning ‘bear’. There were two different septs of the...
Mac Conmara, Mac Namara.   Mac Conmara means ‘Son of the hound of the sea’, and the name originated in Co. Clare where the clan was part of the famous Dal gCáis tribal grouping. The Mc Namaras grew in power to become rulers...
Moore, O’ Moore, O’ Mora, O’ More, Ó Mórdha.   Moore was originally Ó Mórdha, from the Gaelic word “mordha” meaning ‘noble or stately’. The original sept was...
Morahan, Moran, O’ Moraine, O’ Moran, O’ Morane, Ó Móráin.   Moran is the English version of two distinct Gaelic surnames; Ó Móráin, from the Gaelic...
Murtagh, O' Moriarty, O' Muircheartaigh.   Moriarty is the English version of the Irish O Muircheartaigh, made up of muir, ‘sea’ and ceardach, ‘skilled’ therefore ‘one skilled in the ways of the sea’...